Kids DVD on Trucks DVD 3 - Boys, learn how residential building walls are made with concrete taxi and concrete delivery truck systems.

Boys, learn how residential building walls are made with concrete taxi and concrete delivery truck systems. Read on for history of concrete. Construction trucks and Construction Vehicles for Toddlers and Kids - Concrete made easy for kids watch, learn and show of concrete delivery trucks.

Concrete Machines and Building Construction Equipment  KidsTV DVD 3

Kids DVD on Trucks DVD 3

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What is Concrete?

Concrete is a composite construction material made primarily with aggregate, cement, and water. There are many formulations of concrete, which provide varied properties, and concrete is the most used man-made product in the world.

Concrete is widely used for making architectural structures, foundations, brick/block walls, pavements, bridges/overpasses, motorways/roads, runways, parking structures, dams, pools/reservoirs, pipes, footings for gates, fences and poles and even boats.

Famous concrete structures include the Burj Khalifa (world's tallest building), Hoover Dam, the Panama Canal and the Roman Pantheon.

Concrete technology was known by the Ancient Romans and was widely used within the Roman Empire - the Colosseum is largely built of concrete and the concrete dome of the Pantheon is the world's largest. After the Empire passed, use of concrete became scarce until the technology was re-pioneered in the mid-18th century...

The usage of concrete, world wide, is twice as much as steel, wood, plastics, and aluminum combined. Concrete's use in the modern world is only exceeded by the usage of naturally occurring water.

Concrete is also the basis of a large commercial industry, with all the positives and negatives that entails. In the United States alone, concrete production is a $30 billion per year industry, considering only the value of the ready-mixed concrete sold each year. Given the size of the concrete industry, and the fundamental way concrete is used to shape the infrastructure of the modern world, it is difficult to overstate the role this material plays today.


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